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Monday, July 19, 2010



Of one thing I am certain…
The body
is not the measure of healing
peace is the measure.


"Does this hurt? How about here -- and here?"
"Ouch! It hurts all over."
"That fits with the syndrome all right. Get dressed and I'll be right back."

After the examination, the rheumatologist told me I had a chronic muscle disorder, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), which is as common as rheumatoid arthritis and can be even more painful.

The term fibromyalgia comes from fibro, for fibrous tissues such as tendons and ligaments: my, indicating muscle: and algia, meaning pain. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, varying degrees of anxiety, depression, irritable bowel, vision problems, tension and migraine headaches. Fibromyalgia may also involve difficulty concentrating, light and environmental sensitivities, irritability, mood swings and insomnia. It has been referred to as the "hurt-all-over" syndrome because of the widespread body pain and stiffness.

My doctor went on to explain that there is no cure but she offered me a course of treatment including muscle relaxants, low-dose antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, pain pills, sleeping pills and physiotherapy. I said I needed time to consider my options. I left with a firm commitment to finding a more natural way than taking all these drugs.

Taking Charge of my Recovery

In my work as a life coach, I encouraged others to look for causes rather than just make symptoms with drugs. Looking at my health challenge from this perspective made it difficult for me to believe that fibromyalgia could not be cured. It became my next research project.

At first, I joined a fibromyalgia support group and gathered some useful information, but left after a short time. Most of the participants were more interested in managing rather than curing their disorder.

Members of the group seemed to define themselves by their fibromyalgia. They bought into their diagnosis and were resigned to a life of chronic pain and debilitating fatigue that would only get worse with age! I had no intention of allowing myself to be influenced by that belief system. I severed my association with them and carried on with an even stronger resolve.

Individuals with fibromyalgia frequently have a type-A personality. They are perfectionists, neat, compulsive, organized, time-oriented, tense and precise. I frequently overdid things and found myself feeling discouraged when flare-ups occurred. I world experience painfully tight muscles, lack of mobility, chr9onic insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, mood swings and extreme fatigue. However, I knew that one's attitude toward pain makes a difference. So rather than mask symptoms or lapse into feeling sorry for myself, I decided to allow this condition to become my teacher.

g>Lessons in Balance Living

I resumed yoga classes and found the gentle stretching and breathing helped me to relax. I made prayer and meditation a higher priority in my life and explored my emotions and attitudes in greater detail. As an incest survivor, I knew childhood problems were likely contributing to my disorder. My husband David provided useful feedback about cause and effect of my behavior on my symptoms. Through time, we both concluded that fibromyalgia is a pacing disorder. This realization was a major breakthrough. It finally became obvious that I had a lifelong pattern of overdoing things. My growth process had already proven that awareness, accountability and action had improved my life in other areas. Why not apply these same principles to this disorder and expect the same positive outcome?

My next effort was to start Reiki, a powerful, non-invasive healing art that facilitates the energy flow to body tissues and promotes body/mind awareness. The sessions helped so much that I decided to become a practitioner so I could work on myself daily. To support my body between treatments, I used magnets which open capillaries and attract blood to weak or injured areas. Hot soaks in the bathtub with Epsom salts helped pull out toxins from my body.

Learning to Sleep

Facing the next phase of my journey involved overcoming a lifelong pattern of insomnia which exacerbated the pain and stiffness.

A naturopath gave me Bach Flower Rescue Remedy, a herbal relaxant and a sleep-enhancing tea. He also recommended a calcium-magnesium formula with vitamin D and emphasized the importance of stress reduction. It was obvious that I had to apply the Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

Training my over-active brain to be quiet has been quite a challenge. I no longer allow myself to get trapped in a "busy-ness syndrome."

It is difficult to pinpoint one specific thing that changed my condition, but if I had to pick one -- deep restful sleep would be it. Being able to sleep gave me more energy and I was able to add other dimensions to my exercise program like light weights, a strength training program and freeform dance.

Supplements and Diet

When I discovered that antioxidants help fibromyalgia, I increased the amount of vitamin E and C and included grape seed extract as well. A combination of ginkgo balboa and hawthorn helped clear the fibro-fog and improved my concentration. The herbs eyebright and bilberry improved my vision. MSN, glucosamine (GLH) and chondroitin have all but eliminated pain and inflammation, and improved the strength and flexibility of my muscles and ligaments.

Dietary changes included the elimination of all nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and peppers). Tomatoes, especially, have high levels of glutamates which can cause muscle pain in sensitive people. I learned that yeast overgrowth and parasites cause joint pain, difficulty concentrating and fatigue so I worked to keep yeast and parasites out of my body.

I discovered the cleansing properties of liquid chlorophyll, acidophiles and sage tea with clove and added them to my regimen. I omitted all hydrolyzed protein, mono sodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame from my diet.

Imagine the joy of being pain-free after years of suffering! Seventeen years after my initial diagnosis, I can confirm that fibromyalgia can indeed be cured. As long as I respect my body, keep life in balance and watch what I eat, I can lead an energetic, zestful and pain-free lift. Health is the state
about which medicine…
has nothing to say.

--W.H. AUDEN This article was originally published in my column Perspectives on Healthy Living in the spring 2008 (Volume 15—Issue 1) of The Aquarian, (www.aquarianonline.com). Permission has been received by publisher Jan Whitley to post articles from The Aquarian on my blog.
The Aquarian is a forum for shedding light on the path to personal fulfillment and the common good. It is published quarterly the first week of March, June, September and December. Annual subscriptions to anywhere in Canada or the U.S. can be had by sending a cheque or money order for $12.00 to the Aquarian office. For subscriptions outside North America contact The Aquarian for prices.
The Aquarian
16 Victoria Row, Winnipeg, MB
R2M 1Y2
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Publisher – Janet Whitley
Editors – Anna Olson and Syd Baumel

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