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Monday, February 27, 2012

We Are All Connected Dr Wayne Dyer

What does ‘Spirit of Oneness’ mean?

We live in a world where individualism is encouraged to the extent where we are sometimes forced to consider ourselves separate from one another. But we are all inextricably linked in so many ways – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

The purpose of this website is not to convert anyone to any particular path, creed or religion but to offer information, in the articles particularly. We hope that what you read will encourage you to create your own loving, fulfilling and holistic path that also enhances others’ lives.

We believe that we all come from the One Source, to which we will all return and, even though we appear to be separate during our physical existence on Mother Earth we are, in truth, all one.

Life is a series of challenges, all at different levels, and we can more easily meet these in a state of inspired and creative thought, with joy, peace and serenity, if we learn to accept and love our connection with all other souls.

This is the Spirit of Oneness

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