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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


By Coralie Darsey-Malloy

There are some who refuse to think..
they just rearrange their prejudices.

--Dr. Robert Anthony

In our work as group leaders, life coaches and public speakers David and I have often been told that we should not discuss topics of religion and spirituality because someone might take offense. That has not been our experience. We have found that people with open hearts and minds can freely discuss most anything.

Our approach involves something we call "respectful dialog." This method involves attentive listening and hearing different points of view. It requires understanding and acceptance...even when there is disagreement about the validity of any position.

Respectful dialog is not about polarization through black/white/right/wrong thinking. It looks for common ground. Even when there does not appear to be any; there is a willingness to accept that people have a right to their opinions, choices and lifestyles...whether anyone else agrees or not.

Humanity is blessed in that we all have the opportunity to choose our path, grow our souls and learn life lessons...through the choices we make. It is accepted that none of us have control over much of what occurs through this journey called life. However, we all have absolute control over how we choose to respond to any of life's events. In our view...the cause and effect of every thought and action has a ripple or "butterfly" effect. That is why we consistently suggest that every point of view has merit. That way differences they do not have to create discord.

Challenges in communication arise when others are pointing fingers and saying their way is the best and only way. Be in knowing God, being the chosen ones...or everyday lifestyles. Our question always is...who are we to judge? Are we qualified to cast stones? Whenever anyone openly explores religious beliefs and doctrines from a wide variety of sources the common teaching among all of them is love.

Loving behaviors towards others do not include judgments, condemnations, superiority, bigotry, pride, control and belittling. Those who keep their heart-minds open have more compassion and respect for differences. With love as a core belief they allow others to create life as they see fit...without demeaning the path they are on.

In our view...we are from One Source and come into life to learn, grow and change. Often those changes come about after we've made some less than discerning choices and had to account for them. Perceptions about "truth" are in reality...just that. Perceptions based on teaching passed down by others and eventually integrated as one's own. Even when perception becomes one reality and form of truth...there is no saying that it actually is...even though many claim otherwise.

Opening up to hear a variety of views and using basic critical thinking skills is a good way avoid becoming stuck and self-righteous. As we have often said before...with enough love and unity we could resolve all the problems humanity is facing. Those who kill, plunder, create hate and fear in the name of any God will invariably create polarity with those who are examples of love, compassion and faith. I think many agree that life would be a lot less complicated if we could all focus on causing harm to none and building consensus rather than diverseness.

The spiritual perspectives we will be offering here are ones based an abiding respect for the opinions of others...whether we agree or disagree. Comments and feedback are always welcome...all we ask is that exchanges be conducted in a spirit of...respectful dialog.

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