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Saturday, March 5, 2011


The term "centerdness" or being centered is bantered around and I have often wondered what people think about the concept. Then while doing research for an article I am writing I came across some information on the concept that decided to share it here. 

Thomas Crum author of the book, Journey to Center puts it this way: "There is not true path without center. With center the mind, body and spirit merge and passion and commitment unleashed in a force that cannot be contained."  Central to his approach he states that Contentedness is a true psycho physiological phenomenon that affects everything in your environment."

When I read the information Crum is putting forth most of it fits with what I have learned about the importance of finding one's center in both my personal and professional lives. In the training I have had it is evident that being centered is a mind/body/spiritual experience that occurs when one's attention and awareness form a bridge between the outer experiences and the inner core of your being. From this place it is easier to "live in this world but not of it." It assists me in  maintaining  a sense of balance while going through the most daunting experiences.

Having presented the above I am curious about your views on this topic. Do you have ways of 'centering' yourself when things become chaotic. If so...what are they? Do you think the idea is unfounded? Have you thought about it before or not? It is a fascinating concept and if you want to read more about it Thomas F. Crum has written the book Journey to the Center and the Magic of Conflict.

When I find myself feeling ungrounded or off-center I use breathing techniques, meditation, energy work, yoga, movement and prayer to help me move back into a more centered place.I also take 10 deep inhales and exhales and in the past few years I listen to CD's that synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain. They are called hemi-sync or brain sync and there is a related blog here and the link for it is: 

I welcome your input and of course...perspectives!

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